Personal profile


Professor Liwen Lin is an Associate Professor at the Allard School of Law. Her research and teaching interests include comparative corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, state capitalism, Chinese law, and law and economic sociology.


She has written extensively on various legal innovations of corporate social responsibility (CSR), including codes of vendor conduct in global supply chains, sustainability reporting, and mandatory CSR legislation around the world. She also focuses on the governance of China’s state-owned enterprises in respect of their ownership structure, personnel management and executive compensation. She is currently working on a series of projects about the legal institutions of startup ecosystems worldwide.


Professor Lin’s research work has been published in a wide range of law and interdisciplinary journals, including American Journal of Comparative Law, the China Quarterly, Stanford Law Review, the World Trade Review, Columbia Business Law Review, Berkeley Journal of International Law, University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, etc.


Her research has been profiled in The Economist and the Wall Street Journal. She has been an invited guest speaker in news media such as Radio Free Asia. She is an invited researcher at CRETA of National Taiwan University. Prior to entering academia, Professor Lin was a consultant at a Forbes Global 2000 company.


Professor Lin holds LLM and JSD degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a PhD degree in Sociology from Columbia University, where she was appointed as a Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellow.


Professional Affiliations

  • Centre for Asian Legal Studies
  • Centre for Business Law


  • Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Comparative and Foreign Law