Moira Aikenhead

JD (UVic), LLM (Allard), PhD (Allard)

  • 1822 East Mall, Peter A. Allard School of Law

    V6T 1Z1 Vancouver


Personal profile

Research interests

Moira Aikenhead is a Lecturer at the Allard School of Law. Her current research focuses on the adequacy of federal and provincial responses to technology-facilitated gender violence from a feminist perspective. At Allard, Professor Aikenhead teaches Torts and Legal Research and Writing. 

Professor Aikenhead’s recent work examines legal responses to technology-facilitated violence within the context of abusive intimate partnerships. This includes the first analysis of British Columbia’s novel framework for addressing the non-consensual distribution of intimate images, the Intimate Image Protection Act. This work builds on her dissertation research, which encompassed a comprehensive review and critique of the Canadian criminal justice system’s response to technology-facilitated intimate partner violence. Professor Aikenhead’s research highlights challenges that the legal system must face in addressing these evolving forms of violence, including the need to ensure evidentiary standards and legal conceptions of privacy and equality are not eroded in the context of digital violence.

Prior to joining the Allard School of Law, Professor Aikenhead taught Torts, Evidence, and Sentencing at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law. She is a founding member of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) Technology-Facilitated Violence Advisory Committee and an Associate of the BC Access to Justice Centre for Excellence (ACE).