Ratification of CETA: Complexities of Finalizing Trade Agreements

Research output: Article


This article addresses the process of ratification of mega regional trade agreements involving major trading powers by focusing on the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) signed by Canada and the European Union (EU) in October 2016. It argues that the depth of proposed integration and the broad regulatory scope of CETA coupled with unique constitutional features of the negotiating parties may lead to difficulties in the process of ratification. The European Union approached the ratification of CETA as a "mixed agreement", requiring the approval by national parliaments of the EU Member States of some parts of CETA that are identified as matters of shared competence of the EU and Member States. The article concludes that although the vast majority of issues covered by CETA are in the exclusive EU competence, some issues of shared competence remain the source of contention that could delay the implementation of the agreement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)48-57
JournalCanadian International Lawyer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1 2018

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